2014 m. spalio 18 d., šeštadienis

let her remain where she is. a constellation away

Is there anybody here
Who hears me crying?
I'm dying.
Is there anybody here
When it's over?
I'm just passing the time
Wondering how you people will ever survive.

kartais. o gal visada.
kas galėtų pasakyt?


he says i'm lucky because he's smart and handsome. a few hours later he says he's lucky because i suck his dick.
the difference makes me cringe.
i'm not a magical girl.
i'm nothing special.
some say i am. but most of you don't see any magic in me. and that's okay. that's how it should be. it's normal. i'm normal. i'm fine.


nieko labai neįvyko. įvyko, bet nemanau, kad noriu čia rašyti. o kam. o kam... #still_living