2013 m. spalio 27 d., sekmadienis

i was so worried it was gonna be you… but it was me

She was afraid of getting too close to anyone. To her, closeness represented a loss rather than a gain.

pagalvojau, kad reikia parašyt čia. nes... nes retai rašau, turiu daxuja citatų ir gražių paveikslėlių.

when you were little
if you fell
they would ask you where it hurt
you would point to
your knees, your arm or an elbow
and they would make it better

but you noticed
as you get older
if you fall
they do not ask where it hurt

you sit silently in your room
waiting for someone to ask you
where it hurts
pointing to your head and your heart

because that is where the pain
hurts the most
but nobody makes it better

žiūriu narutą po truputį. atostogos, duh?.. važiuosiu į kaimą, aistė sakė, kad pasiilgo. lauris irgi atvažiuoja. DBZ team ir vėl united. šiaip ką žinau. nėr kas sakyt. nuobodų gyvenimą gyvenu. na ir gerai.

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